How To Make Mobile Stand with Cloth Hanger at Home Very Easy Steps - Nisha Ji Ke Nuskhe

 How To Make Mobile Stand with Cloth Hanger at Home

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Things used in this video :
1). Cloth Hanger
2). Plier (Plaas)

In this craft, we use only two things to make a mobile stand with the help of a cloth hanger you can also use your old hanger to make a mobile stand.


Hi, there welcome to our site Star Media Pvt Ltd. I hope you are enjoying our content in this video I tell you how we can make a mobile stand with the help of a cloth hanger you can use your old cloth hanger to make a mobile stand. we should follow the following steps to make a mobile stand. If you want to watch a tutorial video for making a mobile stand with the help of a cloth hanger you should watch the upper video. Steps of making a mobile stand with a cloth hanger are below:


Step 1: First get a cloth hanger and cut its plane line

Step 2: Bend the straight line of cloth hanger to A shape that shows in step no 3

Step 3: After bending the cloth hanger it'll convert into a shape like shown in the below

Step 4: After bending the straight line into an A shape bend it again half of it 

Step 5: Now curve the endpoint of it like shown in the below image

Step 5: Now your mobile stand is ready to use for your mobile.

If you have any question about making mobile stand please check out our YouTube video for brief discussion and make your you follow our site with you E-Mail for coming important and easy making crafts, recipe and decoration article and videos. I hope you enjoy our articles and make all thing at home by following these easy steps of making easy things.

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