How to Make Dhokla Recipe at Home in Hindi Very Easy Steps - Nisha Ji Ke Nuskhe

 How to Make Dhokla Recipe at Home in Hindi

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" How to Make Dhokla Recipe at Home in Hindi Very Easy Steps "

Things used in this video :
1). Besan
2). Yogurt (Dahi)
3). Paste of green chili
4). Salt (Namak)
5). Baking Soda


Hi, there welcome to our site Star Media Pvt Ltd. I hope you are enjoying our content in this video I tell you how we can make dhokla recipe at home it is a gujrati recipe that is very delicious and tasty if you want to make it you should follow the below steps to make dhokla or you can watch our upper YouTube video it is a tutorial video of making dhokla with very easy and simple steps. So, the steps of making dhokla are below:


Step 1: No 1 step of making dhokla at home is that  get a half a cup of besan 

Step 2: Yogurt (Dahi)

Step 3: Add 1 spoon of Paste green chili 

Step 4: Also add a spoon of salt (namak)

Step 5: After adding all upper thing the last thing is baking soda we should need baking soda

Step 6: Put Besan, Yogurt, and water in a bowl and mix them well 

Step 7: After mixing it well add a spoon of green chili paste and 1 spoon of salt and last thing is baking soda it is also 1 spoon and lodges it for 30 minutes on the side

Step 8: Get a oily vessel and put it on oily vessel

Step 9: After putting it on Oily vessel put it in cooker only for 10 min of steam in cooker

Step 10: After steaming of 10 min in cooker take it out and your dhokla is ready to eat for you or your family members.

I hope you enjoy our article in easy steps of making dhokla and If you have any question or feedback about our steps of making dhokla at home with very easy steps you can watch our video on the upper side of our this article.

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