How To Painting on Cup & Jug & Mug Stylish Painting at Home
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" Nisha Ji Ke Nuskhe - How To Make Stylish Painting on Cup & Jug & Mug Stylish Painting At Home "
Things Used in this Video :
1). Nailpolish (one or more)
2). Plastic Big Bowl for Water
3). Lukewarm Water
4). Some cups for colors
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Hi Guys! I hope that you are enjoying our content and videos too. In this video, we tell you how we can color the old cups, Mugs, or jugs at home with easy and simple steps with used nail polish. So first you need new or used nail polish and after that, we need a big plastic bowl for water and after putting water in the bowl we'll insert the nail polish as your favorite color. Now the First Step is complete after doing that we need to insert the cup, mug, or jug in our bowl of colored water, and now it's time to color our cups, mugs, or jugs. Now we'll insert the cup into the water and after the color will appear on the cup we will bring it back and now time to see our beautiful and colored cups, mugs, and jugs. It is the very easy and best idea to color our cups at home with easy steps and after all thanks for reading this article and please see our other posts.
STEP 1: Add some water in a Bowl
STEP 2: After adding water put some color of nail polish as your wish
STEP 3: Add different colors as you want to color your cup
STEP 4: Drown your cup in bowl to color it
STEP 5: After doing these steps you have your colorful cup as you can see down :
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